It can’t be pleasant to see the black/green traces of mold on your wall or ceiling. Still, once you know it’s there, you can take action and make sure it is gone. Sometimes, however, the mold is hidden from plain sight. If that’s the case with your home, a mold inspection is needed. In Orange County, mold inspection can be done quite easily, as long as you find a reliable company that offers this service.
Why perform a mold inspection?
Two key reasons; primarily, find the hidden mold, and ultimately get rid of it. The second reason is to find the underlying water problem that caused the mold infestation in the first place. Even though the first reason is typically why people call the inspectors, it is the second reason that is more important. Water damage promotes the growth of mold, but it can also cause a lot more serious structural damage to the house, too.
How do I know if I need a mold inspection?
If you have hidden mold, you won’t be able to see it on the walls, but you will feel the adverse effects. These include allergies, moldy smells and maybe even poisoning.
Why do I need a professional to do it?
Mold can be toxic, as we wrote before. Professional mold inspectors and remediators have the necessary equipment and the skill to deal with the situation. What’s more, they will likely be aware of the most common places to expect to find mold. The mold inspectors inspect all the possible places mold and moisture can collect, including the insides of drywalls.
What information do I need to give the inspectors?
They will most likely want to know about any recent water damage you may have experienced. They will also likely look for old traces of mold, which might indicate that mold returns periodically, when the conditions are right (rainy season, snow melt season, etc.).
How is mold inspection different than mold remediation?
Mold inspection is limited to locating and testing the mold in the house. Remediation is the process of removing the mold and repairing the damage caused by it. There are companies which offer both of these services.
Is all mold a sign of trouble?
There are types of mold which grow on raw wood. These types of molds often leave the dreaded black stain on the wood, but pose no danger to the structural integrity of the house, or your health. The mold inspector takes a sample of every mold he finds and takes them to a lab to be tested. If the mold proves to be harmless, there is no need for remediation.
Is there anything I can do myself?
It is best that you leave this to the professionals. Still, if mold inspection sounds expensive to you, you can perform a cursory inspection of your own before you call in the experts. The most likely places to find mold are the basement and all areas of the house that are near a water source. If you do find mold, it is important that you do not disturb it, as it will only exacerbate the problem.
Orange County Mold Inspection: What happens after?
If the inspector has cleared your home as free of mold, you are done. If, however, the mold is found, the best course of action is to call in the mold remediation company. As mentioned before, some companies offer both of these two services. In Orange County, mold inspection and mold remediation are the expertise of Emergency Home Solutions. If you suspect mold, contact us as soon as possible.