
Selling a Home with Basement Water Damage: Disclose It or Not?

If you’re planning to sell your Rancho Santa Margarita home that has water damage in the basement, there are some steps you should take prior to the sale. This will help you make the most out of your deal, and avoid many problems with your potential buyer down the line. 

If you’re not sure what you should do about water damage in your basement prior to selling your house, no worries. Read through the rest of the article and you’ll know just how to proceed with the sales without making any mistakes. Keep reading! 

Where is the water coming from in my basement? 

Where is the water coming from in my basement

Fixing water damage can be a large investment since you can’t just paint water damage over or try to hide it some other way. That’s why locating the source of the water in your basement on time is crucial in preventing further damage. Here are the potential entry points of water in the basement: 


  • Cracks in the floor or walls
  • At the joint where walls meet the poured concrete
  • Cracks in the mortar joints of blocks or masonry foundation walls 

There are many scenarios in which water can seep into your basement through these entry points. Here are some of them: 

  • Short downspouts – to displace water away from the house, downspouts need to be extended at least 10 feet from the house.
  • Overflowing gutters – water overflowing from your gutters can easily enter the basement through cracks.
  • Roof leaks – similarly, water can run down from your roof into your basement.
  • Settled pavements – rainwater can flow toward your home if pavement cracks and settle.
  • Leaky windows or clogged window wells – if debris is blocking your window wells, the overflowing water can easily reach the basement.
  • Landscape slope – to prevent water from entering, your yard should slope away from the foundation.

Do you have to disclose water in the basement? 

While water damage is one of the most common hazards in homes, it’s also a situation many homeowners try to conceal when selling their house. However, this is extremely ill-advised. 

If water penetrates your basement it can easily result in mold development in the near future. If you failed to disclose it prior to selling your home, the chances are that the buyer will take action against you and force you to cover the cost of repairs. The court may even make you take back your house if it invalidates or rescinds the sale. Therefore, make sure to disclose water damage in the basement before you sell your home.

Does homeowners insurance cover water in the basement? 

Do you have to disclose water in the basementWhether homeowners insurance covers water damage in your basement largely depends on the cause of the damage. Namely, most policies cover the damage if it took place unexpectedly and as a result of normal wear and tear. On the other hand, if the damage was a consequence of improper maintenance, your chances of insurance covering the damage are slim. 

Here are the most common situations in which basement water damage is covered by homeowners insurance: 

  • Burst frozen pipes
  • Sudden floods caused by broken appliances 
  • Sudden flooding caused by a broken water heater

Reach out to the most dependable Rancho Santa Margarita water damage experts at any time

As you can see, we have all the knowledge necessary in our line of business. Our fieldwork is even more impressive and reliable. Whether you have a burst pipe, or you’ve noticed mold starting to form on your walls, don’t hesitate to give us a call at any time of the day. Our seasoned plumbers will arrive in record time and provide you with all the repairs your home needs. 

You can trust our team just as you can trust the Irvine Spectrum Center to ensure entertainment galore.

Book EHS and your home will receive the finest treatment available.